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Getting Started On Xero

You’ll soon find out why accounting firms, such as us, love this software. Regardless, it’s important that everything to do with the finances of your business are kept safe, secure, and organised at ALL times. We make sure that you have access to staff members that are best suited to help you. We work together to resolve issues and create memorable moments that empower you to enhance your reporting skills. In order to connect Xero to Reach Reporting’s visual financial reporting tool, you must have the adviser or standard user role. Integrating your Dext Prepare and Xero account will ensure that receipts, invoices and other paperwork are extracted and formatted in the perfect way for your end-to-end financial process.

Getting Started On Xero

You are able to allow the use of tracking categories on invoices within Projectworks, letting you do the categorising at the point of creating your invoice. Quantity, Price, Account, Tax rate and Amount values will also be exported to the Xero invoice, so will need to be removed if not desired. “Project name” is selected, then the Projectworks project name will be displayed in the first invoice line of the Xero invoice. If “Invoice heading” is selected, then the Projectworks invoice heading will be displayed in the first invoice line of the Xero invoice. The Include “blank” Line defaults to nothing when Projectworks is connected to a Xero organisation, however it can be updated to “Invoice heading” or “Project name”.

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Choose the company file to connect and then select “Allow Access.” This will automatically start the syncing process, and you will notice the software will show you that it is connecting to your company. Standard Hours Period determines that the maximum number of standard hours is counted on a per week basis, or the period defined by the Pay Run selected at the time of export. So, save time and stress by reaching out to us today and letting the accounting professionals help you make bookkeeping easy. The chances are you’ve done this several times, and this is exactly why Dext and Xero are changing the game.

Only those that are being exported to the Xero Organisation are required to be mapped. Earnings rules determine when and which rates will be used when exporting to Xero. Tick the appropriate day of the week and start and end times for which the rate rule applies. Then select the standard rate and the overtime rate to use whenever that rule applies. Clients can upload their invoices and receipts straight onto the software.

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This button displays the currently selected search type. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. The currency mapping is managed as part Getting Started On Xero of invoicing, but also applies to reimbursable expenses. The invoice heading will initially default to the project reference number and project name, but can be manually updated in the Projectworks invoice.

Review the permissions requested by Cash Flow Frog and click on the Allow access button at the bottom to proceed. If later you need to update the Xero invoice fields of an active subscription click into the subscription and click ‘Edit forwarding details’. Search and select the mailer you would like to receive your invoices from by name. Manually refresh data from Xero – Joiin will automatically refresh your data every day but if you’ve updated something in Xero and want to pull in the latest data you can refresh manually. While the data sync is in progress you will see a message on the company indicating that the data is loading.